Tuesday, October 03, 2006

God Beside Me

I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. Psalm 16:8

Is this verse a reality in your life? When someone is right beside you, don’t you tend to think about them more? Don’t you address them in conversation? How often have you addressed the Lord in the last hour? How prominent has He been in your thoughts?

Some of the best times I have spent with the Lord have not been in a church. I have felt His presence while sitting high in a pine tree, listening to the wind sigh in the needles, feeling it sway from side to side, smelling the sharp odor of its sap. He has comforted me in the field while I was covered in camouflage paint and crawling around trying to not be seen by the enemy. He stood by me as I looked down on my dead grandfather’s face.

Get out of your prayer rut. Pray prostrate, kneeling, seated at a table and taking notes, and pray driving your car. A rut is just a grave with the ends knocked out. Prayer ruts will be the death of your relationship with God.

Use your imagination: picture the Lord on a throne in a mighty room. See the angels, smell the incense burning. When you are truly THERE, not just here thinking of THERE but truly THERE begin praying. You will see a tremendous difference.

Change your time of prayer. Don’t allow your metabolism to rule your spirit. Set your alarm and get up in the middle of the night to pray. You’d be amazed at how much serious prayer can be done at two in the morning. No one else is up, there are no phone calls from telemarketers, it’s just you and Him.

When you’re standing in line, whether at the bank or the movie theater, why not take the opportunity to pray for the people around you? Better yet, turn to the person behind you and tell them “Hi, I’m a Christian and I’m about to pray. Is there something that I can pray about for you while I’m at it?” You may think that sounds crazy, but a surprising number of people will respond with acceptance and gratitude. I’ve seen people begin crying.

Some have wanted to hold my hand while I pray. I’ve even held hands with some big tough guys. We’ve developed a society where touching is taboo and as a consequence, people are starved for human contact. Oh, they get sexual contact all the time, but true love? Love without the burden of sexuality? That’s almost a lost art.

Try blessing people. Look at them and silently or verbally bless them. Lay your hands on their head and pass on the blessing that God gave to you for them. When you do, people will discover God is standing before them or beside them – and He will have your face.


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