Saturday, October 28, 2006

Yahweh Nissi - “The Lord Our Banner"

Moses built an altar there and called it “The Lord Is My Banner.” (Yahweh Nissi) Exodus 17:15

The Amaleks made war against the Israelites. Moses told Joshua to lead the battle. Meanwhile, he was going to climb a hill that overlooked the valley and pray.
When Moses prayed, he held his hands up and looked up to God as a sign of adoration and praise. But Moses was an old man and he grew tired. Aaron and Hur noticed that when Moses had his hands up, the Israelites were winning the battle. When his hands came down, they were losing. So, they brought a rock Moses could sit on. Then Aaron got on one side and Hur on the other and they held Moses’ hands up. Moses kept praying and Joshua won the battle. When it was all over, God told Moses to make sure Joshua knew what had happened and where his conquering power came from. So Moses built an altar he called "Yahweh Nissi", which means “God is our banner.”
When armies go into war, somebody carries the battle flag and they never want that flag to hit the ground. If the person carrying the battle flag gets wounded or shot, somebody else picks it up. That flag is the symbol of their unity and their purpose. Moses was saying God serves that same purpose.
We must remember that God is our banner, binding us together in unity. He is the strength that allows us to carry the day. He is the one that does what we cannot do. When we're overwhelmed, He's not. We may feel ambushed by life, but He remains unsurprised. He's aware of what needs to happen in our lives and He is working on it.
However, in both ministry and personal spiritual struggles, we have a responsibility to do something. We must not simply sit and wait for God to do everything. We need to be engaged; we need to be active. Joshua was out in the battle, doing something. Moses was doing something. Aaron and Hur were doing something.
Are you struggling with anxiety? You can feel it . . . you get upset . . . you need to be in control, but you’re not. What is it that you need God to do in your life? Where are you struggling? Is it at work? Is it with your spouse? Is it with your children? You are in the battle and you may feel alone, but you are not. God know the struggles you have and your need to be whole. He wants to be your Yahweh Nissi - your banner. Will you let Him?


At 9:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice nice!


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