Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Little Jewish Doctor

For while we were still helpless, at the appointed moment, Christ died for the ungodly. For rarely will someone die for a just person--though for a good person perhaps someone might even dare to die. But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us! Much more then, since we have now been declared righteous by His blood, we will be saved through Him from wrath. – Romans 5:6-9 HCSB

A desperately ill woman sat in a famous doctor’s office. She was blonde and blue-eyed, a true descendent of her Mayflower ancestors. Her beauty remained, though marred by the long struggle with disease. She had never met this doctor, but had heard that he was a miracle worker when it came to her kind of sickness. Finally, the door swung open and revealed a short, swarthy stump of a man. He was completely unattractive and to her Aryan horror, he looked Jewish!
In a compassionate tone, he said, “Young lady, your licentious lifestyle has caused you to contract a terrible disease. Though it is absolutely fatal, it is completely curable. I have a natural immunity to this disease. I injected myself with it and though it scarred me, my immune system conquered the disease and now my blood acts as a cure. You only need to receive an injection of my blood and you will be cured.”
The young woman was not sure if she was more horrified by the doctor’s blunt condemnation of her party lifestyle or his assumption that she would EVER allow herself to be injected with his blood. She responded, “I really don’t want the injection. Couldn’t you give me that new XYZ pill I heard of?”
The doctor smiled gently. He knew the thoughts in her heart. He softly answered “That pill will make you feel better for a little while, but it will not cure you. I am the only human to have ever beaten the disease and only my blood offers you a true cure.”
The lady left the little Jewish doctor’s office without the injection. She could not bring herself to stoop to such a nasty procedure that would involve blood and needles and such. She went down the street to another doctor who gladly charged her an exorbitant price for a few XYZ pills. Though she immediately began to feel relief and her color returned, within days she died of illness.
God did not inflict us with sin. We chose to sin. We chose a lifestyle that has death as a consequence. He loves us so much that He injected Himself with sin on the cross and beat it. Now His blood offers a cure. If we reject that cure and end up dying in our sins and spending an eternity in Hell, He did not do it to us. Our own stubborn pride placed us there.


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