Lot’s Compromise
Stay awake and pray, so that you won't enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. - Matthew 26:41 HCSB
Temptation and compromise are often so subtle that it’s best to not even start down that evil path. The Psalmist noted the common progression, and described it for us. First, we listen to wicked advice, then we take a wicked path and finally, end up being one of those who mock God’s Word![1]
Temptation and compromise are often so subtle that it’s best to not even start down that evil path. The Psalmist noted the common progression, and described it for us. First, we listen to wicked advice, then we take a wicked path and finally, end up being one of those who mock God’s Word![1]
Gradual compromise is what destroyed Lot’s life. At first, he hung out with righteous Abram[2] but success and wealth caused him to fall prey to materialism.[3] Soon, spiritual differences caused a rift between him and Abraham. Lot not only separated himself from his righteous relative[4], but started edging toward the worldly influences of Sodom.[5]
He became so entrenched in his habits that even when the consequences began coming, he stubbornly continued his fateful compromising ways.[6] Righteous Abram rescued compromising Lot, but there is no indication of any gratitude or change of heart.[7]
By this time, Lot was living in Sodom and actually became a person of some import among the Sodomites – not that it brought him true respect or influence.[8] He sat in the city gates, a habit of those who acted as city officials and judges so they could be easily found by plaintiffs.
We never sin alone. Our compromise will always end up hurting those we love. Though Lot was deeply disturbed by the vices surrounding him, his compromise caused him to lose all influence and witness to his own family. As a result, they all died in the conflagration.[9]
His compromise caused him to hesitate and vacillate at a crucial moment. It caused him to even argue with God’s angels. It’s not surprising then that his wife also lacked faith in and obedience to the angel’s commands. She too was lost.[10]
Because they had grown up in a household where personal desires and humanistic thinking took precedence over morality and God’s word, Lot even lost his daughters and certainly, by then a piece of his own tortured soul.[11]
Let’s not allow sinners to influence us.[12] Uncompromising righteousness is a source of strength and security.[13] Let’s make sure our lives are characterized by faithful discernment, humbly realizing that sin lies very close at hand at all times, regardless of who we are or where we are spiritually.
Let’s live in the hope that God gave us. He told us we would never encounter a temptation that was too great to resist.[14] Let’s not only claim that promise but work hard to look for those avenues of escape or preferably, ways to avoid the temptation in the first place!
We mustn’t give the devil a chance.[15] We need to decide who we serve. There can be no compromise; we are either for Christ or Satan.[16] There can be no compromise.
[1] Psalm 1:1; Proverbs 4:14-15
[2] Genesis 12:4
[3] Genesis 13:5, 10
[4] Genesis 13:11
[5] Genesis 13:12-13
[6] Genesis 14:11-12
[7] Genesis 14:16
[8] Genesis 19:1, 9
[9] 2 Peter 2:7-8; Genesis 19:14
[10] Genesis 19:15-18, 26
[11] Genesis 19:30-36
[12] Proverbs 1:10
[13] Isaiah 33:15-16; Ephesians 6:14
[14] 1 Corinthians 10:12-13
[15] Ephesians 4:27
[16] Matthew 6:24; 12:30; Luke 16:13
[1] Psalm 1:1; Proverbs 4:14-15
[2] Genesis 12:4
[3] Genesis 13:5, 10
[4] Genesis 13:11
[5] Genesis 13:12-13
[6] Genesis 14:11-12
[7] Genesis 14:16
[8] Genesis 19:1, 9
[9] 2 Peter 2:7-8; Genesis 19:14
[10] Genesis 19:15-18, 26
[11] Genesis 19:30-36
[12] Proverbs 1:10
[13] Isaiah 33:15-16; Ephesians 6:14
[14] 1 Corinthians 10:12-13
[15] Ephesians 4:27
[16] Matthew 6:24; 12:30; Luke 16:13
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