Saturday, June 14, 2008

Rage Against the System

The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him. It is good that he waits silently for the salvation of the Lord. – Lamentations 3:25-26

A contractor recently stood before our city’s council and presented his petition. He started out well; being clean-cut, well dressed and well spoken. But the answer to his request was delayed. It was not denied - simply delayed. The politeness drained out of him like dishwater through a colander. It was truly astonishing to witness. Instead of acknowledging that he had presented his request too late to appear on that night’s agenda, he actually threatened the council and the mayor! Then he went muttering sotto voce to his seat, insulting the people who had done nothing wrong, while they were taking time to make sure that his needs would be met at the next council meeting.

Unfortunately, while being able to judge the man’s behavior both by the Scriptures and society’s rules of etiquette, I cannot condemn him. You see, I too am often a cad toward God. I make my requests (which in hindsight are often unreasonable) and when He fails to jump at my command, I petulantly pout. There have been times when I have, in my anger, even threatened God! “If you don’t take care of this, I’m through serving you! What’s the point?” I cry like a whiney child.
But if there is one thing that God has tried to teach me in the short time I have been on this earth, it is that there are rhythms in life. Some things rush like a waterfall; others stagnate like a swamp. And both are beautiful. Both are useful. A waterfall can generate great power but a swamp can clean and recycle vast amounts of water. If all life moved at waterfall speeds, you’d soon be exhausted and drown. But it would be equally foolish to wish that all life moved at the speed of a swamp.

The contractor failed to realize that there are rules that city councils and mayors must live by. If they would have been willing to break the rules for him, then they might have also broken the rules for his competitors. And he would have REALLY raged against that! He failed to submit to the natural rhythms and pace of his city and as a result possibly alienated the very people on whom he relies for permits, licenses, electricity and water…the life-blood of his business.

God has a better overall view of the universe than I do. I need to trust His point of view. He’s been around a while and knows a few things. I should trust His experience. When things don’t go my way or at my pace, I need to take a deep breath and look around. Am I about to kayak over a waterfall or am I soaking in a swamp? Either way – what can I learn here?


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