Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Here Lies an Honest Man

“The Lord demands fairness in every business deal; he sets the standard.” – Proverbs 16:11

Quentin O’Connor, the noted lawyer, died and went to heaven. He had no sooner gotten inside the Pearly Gates when a tremendous chorus of angels began to sing gloriously in his honor. The air was filled with a golden aura, clouds of incense wafted everywhere, and approaching O’Connor was St. Peter himself.

“O’Connor,” said the celestial gatekeeper, “we have long been awaiting you. You are the first human being ever to break Methuselah’s mark for longevity. You have lived 1,037 years.”

“What are you talking about?” said O’Connor, astonished. “I died at the age of sixty-five.”

“At the age of sixty-five?” said St. Peter, astonished in his turn, “Aren’t you Quentin O’Connor?
The corporate lawyer?”


“From Philadelphia?”


“But the Record Book has you down for 1,037 years.”

“There must be some mistake. I’m only sixty-five.”

“Something must be wrong,” said St. Peter. “Let me study the book.” He did so and suddenly clapped his hand to his forehead. “Ah, I see where we made our mistake. We added up the hours you billed to your clients.”

Why is it so important to be honest? Well, for one thing, honesty is necessary for us to live in God’s presence. Psalm 24:3-4 says “Who may climb the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? Only those whose hands and hearts are pure, who do not worship idols and never tell lies.” God expects honesty from us.

My level of honesty or dishonesty reveals just what my character is. The Bible tells us that “the plans of the godly are just” (Prov. 12:5) and that “a tree is identified by its fruit” (Matt. 12:33). The Lord also told us in Luke 16:10 that “if you cheat even a little, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.”

So look out for all the little subtle dishonesties that we tend to play. Watch for trying to put yourself in the best light, even when it “stretches” the truth a bit. Otherwise you may end up as the lawyer who was buried in a cemetery with a tombstone that was inscribed “Here lies a good lawyer and an honest man.” A little boy walking by with his mother read the inscription and asked, “Mommy, why did they bury two men there?”


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