Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Awiya the Hunter

“…Go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” - Matthew 19:21
Awiya was renowned as a great hunter. People far and wide talked of his exploits and craftiness. Being part pygmy, he stood barely five feet tall, but he did not rely on his strength or speed to catch his prey. He knew his quarry well and caught them by using their weaknesses.
One day, he went into the jungle to catch a monkey. He went to a coconut tree and found a nut. Drilling two holes into the nut (one larger than the other) he ran a small chain into the smaller one, with a little metal spring-loaded claw that would spread once inside. He took an oddly shaped pebble and dropped it into the other hole. The pebble fit through the hole only one way.
He hid a short distance away and waited for a couple of hours. Sure enough, along came a large ape. He knocked several of the nuts around, looking for some of the succulent white meat, and drawn by the smell of the freshly cut coconut, quickly found the trap. He pawed at the nut, which made the chain rattle and the pebble sounded hollowly inside the nut. Curious, he shook the chain a couple times and tried to peer into the nut. It was too dark inside to see anything so he slid his hand into the hole and grasping the smooth pebble tried unsuccessfully to withdraw his hand which now formed a fist. As soon as Awiya saw that the ape’s hand was caught, he jumped up and walked quickly toward it. The ape saw Awiya and began jerking on the coconut, but the chain held fast. He started screeching at Awiya who walked right up to him and killed him with his club.
Do you know why that ape didn’t simply let go, withdraw his hand and escape? The ape’s greed overcame even his sense of survival. He was so determined to keep his worthless little stone that he forgot common sense and thus fell into the trap.
What are you holding onto? Is it some grudge that you’ve even forgotten the source of? Is wealth or the lack of it keeping you from serving God? When a young rich man came to Jesus and asked him what remained for him to be saved, Jesus (knowing the young man was trapped by his wealth) told him “…go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Matthew 19:21. The Scriptures say the young man went away sad, because he had great wealth. He held on to his sad little things that would remain behind when he died, and missed the greatest gift of all: God’s gift of love. (John 3:16)


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